Calculation and design of building structures. construction design

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Calculation and design of building structures. construction design


To date, the overall scale of the creation of building structures are very large, which explains the increased demand for such services, as the fulfillment of their calculation and design. The results of their conduct is used to determine the strength of future facilities, its stability and adherence to regulations.

The process of calculation of composite building structures composed of several events, in which use specialized software and computational methods, enabling to accurately determine the actual strength of the object.

What construction design

The term "structural design" refers to the process of reflection and mental registration of certain construction tasks in order, to present it in the calculations and precise drawings, which continues to lead and during construction. Each task requires construction design.

Calculation and design of building structures

What cases include the need for design of structures

Calculation of building structures produced, if you want to carry out the reconstruction of buildings, to establish the potential of its load-bearing capacity, or to create a construction project.

Types of building design calculations

  1. Calculation of load-bearing structures

The subject of this research is the careful study of foundations, supporting walls and beams object, also in the framework of the meeting may be subject to verification and other load-bearing structures.

  1. Calculation of walling

The subjects of his study appear: walls and protective coatings, including roofing.

  1. Calculation of constructions strength gain

The need for this calculation only occurs when non-compliance with current standards, provided the bearing capacity of composite structures, or whole buildings.

Calculation and design of building structures

What materials designed

In view of the, that construction projects can be made of various materials, methods of calculation can vary. So, eg, the study of structures of reinforced concrete has significant differences of the research object, made of wood.

Calculation and design of building structures designed to work with objects of different levels of complexity, and made of different materials: metal, reinforced concrete, stone and wood.

Methods of calculation of building structures

Structural Engineer – multistep process, which is made for a number of complex calculations (Mathematical, statistical and dynamical).

The main methods used for the product of calculations:

  • the maximum allowable stress method;
  • destructive method conditions;
  • Method of limiting states.

In most cases,, all of these methods are used in combination, that allows you to achieve accuracy and exhaustive check all previous results.

The consequence of the works of all these calculations, eventually becoming the object construction, characterized by extreme strength and durability, and characterized a unique resistance to a broad spectrum of external influencing factors.

Given that, that the results, correct and satisfy the desired degree of accuracy, the finished structure will be characterized by a minimum degree of deformation.

Important! The use of only one of the above methods threatens occurrence of false, and in some cases, and dangerous solutions. This is because the, that the technique works for all 100% only if the above three methods use in conjunction.

Calculation and design of building structures

calculation and design of reinforced concrete structures

Indicators, revealed in the course of this study - the concrete class, class and diameter of the working reinforcement. Based on the data, specified in the design documentation, as well as information, obtained after autopsy object, made the necessary calculations.

Structural analysis of reinforced concrete requires special labor input, Unlike other kinds of material, given the need to study solid objects.

calculation and steel design

An important preparatory step, preceded by a study, It serves to obtain the magnitude of the data structures, steel grade, as well as the cross-section parameters. All this information is listed in the design documentation, but, if necessary, It may be obtained by surveying. Certain brand of metal are subject to mandatory laboratory tests, model as part of their acts of chips.

bim modeling

Calculation of masonry structures

The key characteristics of masonry structures, perform their strength and stability. The need for the implementation of this calculation due to the appearance on the surface of the object elements (wall, pillars, etc.) cracks or other type of damage.

Without an appropriate examination to determine, whether the object is suitable for further use, a difficult task. The study collected samples for further laboratory examination.

calculation and Design of timber structures

A distinctive feature of this type of research is the identification of mandatory grade waste wood. In that case, if the project documentation is not available, We have to produce overlapping opening.

strength design

The purpose of calculating the strength of structural components is to achieve the necessary level of strength in certain operating conditions, with the minimum material costs and labor costs for their fabrication and installation.

When calculating the strength of structural components are taken into account the possible types of exposure, which determine their status of critical stress and strain.

Structural design of residential and industrial use

Structural Engineer for various purposes has its own specific characteristics.

So, the design of industrial and manufacturing buildings, take into account the technological requirements, applicable to the objects of this type. Besides, they must have high performance and integrate with existing around them by buildings. The plan must be capable of expansion, which could be realized without suspension for a long time.

When creating the project should also be taken into account all the specific features of production, on the basis of which, will be the design and engineering communication systems.

Designing of residential destination has a significant difference from the design of other types of buildings. Building height determines the load, provided on the supporting structures.

For the design of residential purpose put forward a number of requirements, chief among which is the line of integrated security standards.

construction design

Our advantages

interior architecture studio and "INSIGHT" – company, behind which more than ten years of successful experience in the implementation of the full range of design work “Full construction” and providing a wide range of services in different directions.

We offer structural design services residential, public and industrial objects of any level of complexity.

Combining innovative technology with the highest professionalism of our employees, allow each trusted us to implement the project at the highest level at optimum cost.

In order to achieve the best results, we not only carefully listen to all the wishes and requirements of the customer, and follow their strict execution, but also, We use our own vast experience in this field, to offer its own vision of a flawless accomplish the task of building.

Cooperation with interior architecture studio and "Insight" – result, surpassing the expected!

design stages

Structural Engineer for different purposes – process, aimed at the formation of the package graphics and text documents. Without the presence of such securities, new construction is not possible to start construction. However illiterate completed project can bring no whit less, and sometimes much more damage, than construction of the "blind", not based on a strong theoretical basis. That is why, in this issue, so it is important to ask a qualified technician, having a high level of competence.

Architectural and structural design It includes a number of stages, the implementation of which must be carried out in strict sequence with special responsibility.

For comprehensive presentation of the designing activity, it is advisable to consider in more detail, which itself represents each of the stages.

construction design


  • Pre-work


The key question, which should be received unequivocal answer, in the course of this stage - or maybe it is impossible to build a given structure?

There are a number of factors, directly affecting the final verdict, each of which must be taken into account. It is a question of compliance with environmental, sanitary, economic and town-planning requirements. Not always, but often, We have to also take into account the historical and cultural characteristics of a particular region. The list of pre-work is included and detailed cost estimates of construction of the object.


  • formation sketch


At this stage, experts have created the general sketch of the building, including a detailed plan of all floors. In fact, resulting from a replica of the future knowledge, not need designer, both to the customer. This allows it to assess the visualization in the form, which, with minor errors, and it will be after the practical implementation. Besides, the formation of a sketch - the best opportunity for discussion and, if necessary, – to make certain adjustments.


  • Creating a project


The aim of this stage - the formation of a complete package of technical documentation to be sent later for approval to the relevant authorities.

At this stage, a determination of materials for the construction of one-piece construction.


  • Preparation of working documentation


The essence of the stage - final approval of all technical documents, and that was the main theoretical basis for future construction.

Making adjustments in the process of preparation of documentation is still possible, but it is problematic. Changing customer requirements at this stage faces no better displayed on a projection.

design costs

Along with impeccable quality and speed of implementation of project activities, priority for any customer, It is the cost of the design.

Drawing up of the design documentation in each case is carried out on an individual basis, the calculation of which the value is influenced by various factors, some of them are impossible to calculate in advance.

  • So, pricing is based on:
  • technical specifics of the future project;
  • its characteristics (the type of construction, the complexity of the forms, total area, number of floors, etc.);
  • necessary engineering systems.

Final price is called after negotiations, and prescribed in the contract. cost of, specified in the contract remains unchanged, even if in the course of its implementation there is a need for additional measures.

Calculation and design of building structures - task, quality solution which requires strict compliance with a set of rules and requirements. Her professional solution, according to established in the construction industry, norms, deliver collateral security, reliability and durability of the object, and save the developer from the potentially possible situations, When finished construction, due to some circumstances, is not able to cope with the specified operating conditions.

construction design

The architectural solution, architectural project, sketch, concept, building, repairs, 3d model, architectural visualization. Development cost in St. Petersburg. Creating a project in St. Petersburg. Construction and repair.

price: from 30 000p. time: from 10 days

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